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It may be that I have odd luck as a contractor embedded on scrum teams, but more than once I’ve run into weird group behaviors. Today, as the first post in what may become a series, I want to give an example of some interesting groupthink, and provide a concrete pointer for how a quiet outsider can try to set their temporary team up for long-term success.

Overall, this is a drawn-out story that ends with encouraging you to advocate for what you believe in, especially by communicating effectively and asking the right questions.

A contrived example

It’s common on Drupal projects nowadays, especially when migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8/9/10, to adopt a naming convention for fields attached to particular entity types and/or bundles. For instance, if you had two node bundles, one called ‘article’ and another called ‘event’, you might set up the machine names of the fields on them in one of the following three-ish ways:

Field machine names in various naming schemes
Label Type Machine name, shared Machine name, shared and generalized Machine name, typed, article Machine name, typed, event
Teaser text Formatted text, long field_teaser_text field_longtext_1 field_article_teasertext field_event_teasertext
Tags Entity reference field_tags field_termreference_1 field_article_tags field_event_tags
Published date Date field_date_published field_date_1 field_article_date field_event_date

If you’ve worked on some projects of various sizes and at different points in their lifecycle, you’ll inevitably come to the conclusion that the ‘shared’ naming scheme is the correct answer:

  • The “shared and generalized” scheme feels like it could be useful, for instance if you had a bunch of content types that all had many longtext fields. You could share the storage definitions and swap the labels, thereby reducing the number of database tables somewhat. But if you have to reference these fields in templates and the like, it gets super confusing super fast
  • The “shared and generalized” scheme isn’t actually shared, since field_termreference_1 might be tags on the article but “event categories” on the event. If you wanted to put both types in a Views display with an exposed filter, you’d run into problems
  • The ‘typed’ definitions make the non-shared problem worse. field_article_tags and field_event_tags could both be tags from the same vocabulary, but the (redundant!) bundle namespacing means you will likely need per-bundle templates, plus way more customized Views displays and buggy field/filter/sort plugins than if you went with shared field machine names
  • Sadist/masochist software architects could combine typed and generalized schemes, though this doesn’t become truly painful unless one type has a ton of fields of the same type

A violent psychopath

If you have indeed worked on a lot of projects, you’ll know that you often don’t have the luxury to decide on the machine naming scheme, regardless of if you’re setting the project up at the beginning or jumping into a website with millions of pages.

Famously, John Woods once said “Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.” It’s unclear if Mr. Woods ever envisioned a violent psychopath embedded on a team with people who truly believe their weird architectural decisions were the right call, and who incidentally speak a dialect of English revolving around subdividing their lives around fortnights, but that’s probably what I’d fear most at retro.

If you inherit a codebase and are now responsible for maintaining it, you can choose to break from the former field machine-naming scheme, as unless there’s some weird code enforcing it, there’s otherwise no penalty for switching. However, if you’re joining a team that made a mistake years ago and have never had reason to change course, you’re likely gonna have to continue the mistakes as long as you work with the team.

Except that things could be so much better

We all know that “because we’ve always done it that way” isn’t a great reason to do something, but we also know that change for change’s sake may be the only thing worse. The trick for a team set in their ways is showing clear reasoning to change, and helping them see the bright future that awaits them.

Also, if effort is involved in getting to a bright future, you might have to subvert the perverted swirl of scope, velocity, backlog size, and other scrummy junk that can get in the way of sound decision-making.

In the case of this clearly-made-up example team that definitely listened to my advice, that meant coming up with a concrete use case.

Show the why

The wilder part of the field_date_published example that jumps out to seasoned Drupal developers is that entities tend to have a ‘created’ property that holds a UNIX timestamp. Properties aren’t quite as flexible as fields, or at least they aren’t in the same way as fields, but they have the advantage of being more performant to query and built right in to entities like nodes.

Around 10,000 articles had already been migrated in to the Drupal 9 version of the entirely-fictional hypothetical example site, and the team was planning to import in over 100,000 events from a legacy system. Since article already had field_article_date as architected on autopilot, changing course could require updating existing content and code, even if doing so were quick, automatic, and not necessarily in the next sprint or two.

When to speak up

10,000 articles is a lot of articles, don’t get me wrong. But 100,000 events is, website-wise, a big chonking lot of content. If the team retained the naming scheme and migrated the legacy published date into the new field_event_date field, that would largely be decisive. This was a speak-now-or-forever-hold-your-peace inflection point.

If you have the courage of your convictions and any reason whatsoever to think the team will be receptive, now or earlier is the right time to speak up. Maybe not right now, but if you can make your own backlog tickets do that first and stub it with as much clear, relevant information as possible. Then, when you’re in refinement or sprint planning, it’s natural to be like “Can we take a look at PROJ-256?” and use that as an in.

Another option, if the previous sprint contained an effort that would have been lighter had a fix been put in place, is to raise the problem during a retro. This depends on how seriously your team takes retro feedback, as some teams work hard to improve action items out of retros, whereas other teams treat retrospectives as a way to vent and not much else.

Or bring it up as something to discuss asynchronously on the team slack. It’s mostly a matter of fitting your approach to your team’s culture.

Communicating effectively

For a small change that has a potentially big impact, there are three great communication styles that can be used in tandem:

  1. A bullet list of benefits
  2. A short narrative (in user story format if you must) of something that’s easy in the bright new future, but hard in the present
  3. An outline (as tech specs and acceptance criteria if your PM can be coaxed) of what’s needed to get to the future

A bullet list of benefits for migrating the published date from the legacy system into the ‘credted’ property instead of a new field_event_date:

  • Administrative and user-facing listings that combine articles and events will be accurate and easy to create
  • There will be no confusion about what field_event_date is, since the published date is usually far less relevant for events than the date the event itself starts and finishes
  • Querying for the published date will be fast and won’t require any JOINs
  • Templating articles and events and displaying bylines could be far simpler

This list applies to the fix, and could be made into a story or other kind of ticket, and with any luck the fix (and related tasks) can be estimated to show how hard or easy it would be to port the article date field into the created property, and the relative ease of putting a legacy timestamp into ‘created’ in the event migration, rather than messing with format_date and all that (though the article migration might already have that done, so it’s not a slam dunk argument).

Two competing visions of the future, in short narrative form

As an administrator user, when I navigate to Content > Advanced via the top admin bar, I expect to see a combined listing (table) of all node types with applicable shared fields, sorted by default by published date descending.

The above brief user story serves largely as a thought experiment for a developer who’s encountered similar tickets before. If everyone on the team is aware that namespaced fields make listings like this far more complicated than they’d otherwise be, it may be an opportunity for someone to shout that this is a 13-point (or XL t-shirt) ticket, only for the team to have a realistic conversation about its practices.

In the current situation, this is a big ticket with the potential to introduce a bunch of technical debt. In the bright future, this would be a 3-pointer (Small t-shirt).

Is this the hard part?

When a team with a backlog, planned sprints, milestones and goals, and all that business stuff encounters a refactoring task, there’s a natural inclination to bury it. Maintaining existing software, fixing bugs that the client hasn’t noticed, documenting code and features, and other maintenance tasks clearly have value, but don’t move the project forward like a typical feature story. In some cases the “this over that” of the Agile manifesto gives the appearance of a conflict when it comes to more-thorough documentation or increased rigidity of specification, even if that’s not really what the manifesto says.

Often, even when a task to fix a problem comes up, someone on the team can kill the effort just by pointing out that keeping things the way they are requires no new work, while fixing the problem requires some amount of work. The team’s incentives largely revolve around succeeding in the two-week cycle, so any new points in the current or near-future sprints feel like a big risk, even if the effort benefits everybody in the longer term.

The narrative, and finding the best example, showing a story that’s a huge estimate with the software the way it currently is, but a tiny estimate after refactoring, is the key way to demonstrate where the project’s difficulties lie.

The team discussion can then circle around:

  • Why is this story so tough with the code as it is?
  • If the difference between estimates is X points, is the estimate for the fix X or less? Would there be other estimates in the future that would factor in X as well?
  • Does the fix block any other stories?
  • What are the risks and drawbacks of performing the fix?
  • What happens if we do nothing?
  • What do similar projects to ours do, that we might not otherwise know?
  • Have we identified the hard part of this endeavor?
  • Is this the hard part?

How much more effort?

The key thing to do when you’re suggesting a new effort and someone tries shutting it down because it inflates the scope, is when they correctly point out that a fix or enhancement will require unanticipated effort, simply ask How much more effort?

Pointing out that something is more than nothing is obvious. If you let an unhelpful argument win the day, you’re almost definitely going to be the person writing a custom Views filter plugin to handle unnecessarily-namespaced fields across node types. Doing this will rightly feel like adding insult to injury, and hopefully will teach you to speak up when the team wants to default toward laziness.

Teams are collaborative, and you can’t expect to win every single argument. However, if you don’t say anything when your teammates counter your suggestions with simple, obvious arguments, you could be doing everyone a disservice.