Grouped cards
November 19, 2023so1ve has been busy since June
Introducing frost
April 15, 2023Atomic components and a huge head start.
Welcome to the new Solve it once website
August 25, 2022Watch this space: Solve it once will not slow down.
How much more effort?
August 27, 2022A simple question to avoid group dysfunction.
AgileInterface: so1ve's approach to project management
April 16, 2023Solve it once has a unique approach to agile methods.
Developers lead
August 29, 2022Even if not in charge, developers are the ones making the software.
How much more effort?
August 27, 2022A simple question to avoid group dysfunction.
Star-frost (lovers)
July 21, 2024Solve it once's commitment to the Drupal community
Unofficial Starshot strategy guide
May 31, 2024How to land Drupal CMS in the cosmos, if I had my druthers
frost design handoff
June 13, 2023Useful info for working with frost instead of against it
Introducing frost
April 15, 2023Atomic components and a huge head start.
How much more effort?
August 27, 2022A simple question to avoid group dysfunction.
Project Management
AgileInterface: so1ve's approach to project management
April 16, 2023Solve it once has a unique approach to agile methods.
Pie in the sky
April 13, 2023An approach to listening to your clients.
Developers lead
August 29, 2022Even if not in charge, developers are the ones making the software.
How much more effort?
August 27, 2022A simple question to avoid group dysfunction.
Pie in the sky
April 13, 2023An approach to listening to your clients.
.github org template
May 22, 2023A template repo with org-level markdown.
Star-frost (lovers)
July 21, 2024Solve it once's commitment to the Drupal community
Unofficial Starshot strategy guide
May 31, 2024How to land Drupal CMS in the cosmos, if I had my druthers
frost design handoff
June 13, 2023Useful info for working with frost instead of against it
November 19, 2023so1ve has been busy since June